About Vivi

It is really not about me

If what my artworks represents and if what I do resonates within you, does it matter then who I am? My work comes alive the moment it touches something in someone else. In you. I think.
However, I know that most of us may need to know who is behind something, that we, in one way or the other, react to - and therefore; here is a little about me - and actually it is mostly because, I don't really expect , that I get away with a simple: 



If that's enough for you, then thank you for understanding (unless it's enough because you're bored - then that is a different matter...)
If you need to know more, then here it comes:

  grew up with contrasts of creativity; executive on one side and practical on the other. I channeled creativity out on paper, in design and on the ability not to make a fuss.
I spent hours in nature, in books, with colors and paper and at some point replaced it by music practice and later again by theatre. It gave me a wide perspective, and even though I hid large parts of my creativity for a lot more than a decade, it is still the sounding board that I know and feel at home in

I mentioned earlier, that I was trained as an art teacher. I am also trained for a lot of other things. At the end of the day it is all just paper. I have done many things, which I am not trained to do. And I am grateful for everything I have been able to do; - and especially now when I am no longer working.


(Here comes a little story): 
I'm from Randers 

 - or actually I'm from Roskilde (it was something with an R!) - and I like to say that my christening was something very special. It goes without saying, that I also became a very special person on the same occasion. Well, at least that's the case for two people: He who christened me, and then I, who still enjoy the glorious value of this story. Hang on!
Just around the corner at Stændertorvet, the church with the two spiers (which King Christian IV probably made sure to place at the top of the towers) is placed. In 1969, my late aunt lined up in the church whit me on her arm. A line of others stood the same way as her and for the same reason. A bishop presided over the christenings that day, and he kindly told my aunt to go down to the back of the line. One might think, that the friendly man thought that I looked the sweetest, and perhaps therefore also were able to wait the longest, and that I properly also were kind enough to keep quiet without starting a children's chorus of screams and babycryes. Maybe.
But that's not it. I had to go back in line, because he wanted the story of the christening gown, and he wanted it along with the last christening of the day, since this was his very last church act. The dress was used for the first time in 1897, and in addition to the names of the many christened in it, the first year is also embroidered on it. So there is no doubt about the age of the dress. It is the beautiful embroidery down below, and the one the bishop noticed. So! 
Not only am I christened by a bishop, I am also his last church act. His portrait hangs on the wall in the church together with the other late bishops - and if I'm in Roskilde, I greet him nicely. I am sorry, but I simply just can't remember his name. Luckily the portraits are numbered with years, and it makes it easier to find the right one. I was christened in October 1969.  It's pretty irrelevant, but the story is very sweet. Right? 

And now you know a little about me - and please, If you visit the Cathedral in Roskilde (it is the one where kings and queens are buried), and if you look at the portraits, please say hello to the bishop from me. Thank you very much.

Embroidery from the original christening dress
Stock photo - Not from Roskilde...